Boone, Rocheleau & Rodriguez, P.L.L.C.
17339 Redland Road
Suite 100
San Antonio, Texas 78247
(210) 761-2040 (main)
(210) 761-2048 (fax)
17339 Redland Road
Suite 100
San Antonio, Texas 78247
(210) 761-2040 (main)
(210) 761-2048 (fax)
We’ve compiled the following list of links to various legal and professional sites that we find useful. Click on the red title to go to each website.
General |
Boone Mediation Mediation website for Pat Boone. Request a mediation, view mediation schedule, and more. |
Legal |
Supreme Court of the United States The website of the Supreme Court of the United States, the highest court in the country. |
American Bar Association ABA News, resources, latest legal news, ABA calendar, and member services. |
Bexar County District Courts Listing of judges, magistrate, and administrators with telephone numbers for the Bexar County District Courts. |
Code of Federal Regulations The Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) is the codification of the general and permanent rules published in the Federal Register by the executive departments and agencies of the Federal Government. |
Consumer Price Index at the United States Department of Labor The Consumer Price Indexes (CPI) program produces monthly data on changes in the prices paid by urban consumers for a representative basket of goods and services. |
Federal Bar Association, San Antonio Chapter The San Antonio, Texas chapter of the Federal Bar Association. |
Fourth Court of Appeals The Fourth Court of Appeals is comprised of seven Justices who hear cases from thirty-two counties located in South Texas and the Texas Hill Country. |
State Bar of Texas The State Bar of Texas is an administrative agency of the judicial branch in Texas. Every licensed attorney is a member of the State Bar, which provides a wide array of services to its members and the public. |
Texas Administrative Code The Texas Administrative Code (TAC) is a compilation of all state agency rules in Texas. |
Texas Courts Online Texas Courts Online (TCO) is the portal to Texas Judicial pages. |
Texas Legislature Online Follow status of a bill, contact a legislator, see how a legislator voted, hearings schedules, view the text of a bill and more. |
Texas State Attorney General About the Attorney General and agency, news releases, publications and more. |
The Supreme Court of Texas Composed of the Chief Justice and eight Justices, the Supreme Court of Texas is the court of last resort for civil matters in the State of Texas. The Supreme Court is in Austin, next to the State Capitol. |
Western District of Texas The Western District of Texas comprises seven divisions, including Austin, Del Rio, El Paso, Midland-Odessa, Pecos, San Antonio and Waco. |
Medical |
American Board of Medical Specialties The American Board of Medical Specialties (ABMS)is a not-for-profit organization assisting approved medical specialty boards in the development and use of standards in the ongoing evaluation and certification of physicians. |
American Medical Association AMA resources for physicians, residents, medical students and patients. The journals, news, and more. |
Bexar County Medical Society The Bexar County Medical Society represents more than 4,000 physicians in Bexar and contiguous counties. |
Library at UTHSCSA Find a book, search a database, find an e-journal, get course reserves and search the library catalog at this site. |
National Practitioners Data Bank May be used by State licensing boards, medical malpractice payers (authorized only to report to the NPDB), hospitals and other healthcare organizations, professional societies, and licensed healthcare practitioners (self-query only). Authorized HIPDB queriers and reporters include Federal and State Government agencies, health plans, and healthcare practitioners, providers and suppliers (self-query only). |
Texas Board of Nursing Verification and licensing, nursing practice, education, law and rules, disciplinary action, nursing statistics, more. |
Texas Medical Board Services for consumers and healthcare professionals, boards and agency, laws, rules, guidelines, news, reports, statistics and more useful links. |